Saturday, 29 November 2014

introducing the semantic agent console

So, we have a general scheme to represent knowledge:
Now we need some method to make use of it.
And hence the semantic agent console.
From here on, anything that starts with "sa: " can be assumed to be in the console.
$ ./

sa: h

  q, quit, exit                quit the agent.
  h, help                      print this message
  context                      print list of context's
  context string               set current context to string
  reset                        reset back to completely empty console
                               Warning! you will lose all unsaved work!
  dump                         print current context
  dump exact                   print current context in exact mode
  dump multi                   print context list
  dump self                    print what we know about the default ket/sp
  dump ket/sp                  print what we know about the given ket/sp
  display                      (relatively) readable display of current context
  display ket/sp               (relatively) readable display about what we know for the ket/sp
  freq                         convert current context to frequency list
  mfreq                        convert context list to frequency list
  load file.sw                 load file.sw
  save file.sw                 save current context to file.sw
  save multi file.sw           save context list to file.sw
  files                        show the available .sw files
  cd                           change and create if necessary the .sw directory
  ls, dir, dirs                show the available directories
  create inverse               create inverse for current context
  create multi inverse         create inverse for all context in context list
  x = foo: bah                 set x (the default ket) to |foo: bah>
  id                           display the default ket/superposition
  s, store                     set x to the result of the last computation
  .                            repeat last computation
  i                            interactive history
  history                      show last 30 commands
  history n                    show last n commands
  save history                 save console history to file
  -- comment                   ignore, this is just a comment line.
  if none of the above         process_input_line(C,line,x)

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