Tuesday, 2 December 2014

a fictional George in sw format

Let's define what we know about a fictional character we call George.
Really is quite simple.
|context> => |context: George>
source |context: George> => |sw-url: http://semantic-db.org/sw-examples/new-george.sw>

-- George is just some fictional character

|person: George> => |word: george>
age |person: George> => |age: 29>
dob |person: George> => |date: 1984-05-23>
hair-colour |person: George> => |hair-colour: brown>
eye-colour |person: George> => |eye-colour: blue>
gender |person: George> => |gender: male>
height |person: George> => |height: cm: 176>
wife |person: George> => |person: Beth>
occupation |person: George> => |occupation: car salesman>
friends |person: George> => |person: Fred> + |person: Jane> + |person: Liz> + |person: Andrew>
mother |person: George> => |person: Sarah>
father |person: George> => |person: David>
sisters |person: George> => |person: Emily>
brothers |person: George> => |person: Frank> + |person: Tim> + |person: Sam>
email |person: George> => |email: george.douglas@gmail.com>
education |person: George> => |education: high-school> 
My favourite thing about this example is that it shows we can describe all types of "molecules of knowledge" using 1 line, and all in the format:

One advantage of the 1 line thing is that when we have large sw files, it is trivial to grep down to the rules of interest. I will give an example of that in the future, probably using the IMDB data I have in sw format. Indeed, there is not a single construct in BKO that is multi-line. I think this gives it some power, eg, being able to grep, and easier to parse.

Fine, let's give a simple example:
$ grep "person: Jane" blog-george.sw
friends |person: George> => |person: Fred> + |person: Jane> + |person: Liz> + |person: Andrew>
Now, let's load it up and give the pretty-print display:
sa: load blog-george.sw
sa: display
  context: George

  context: George
  supported-ops: op: source
         source: sw-url: http://semantic-db.org/sw-examples/new-george.sw

  person: George
  supported-ops: op: , op: age, op: dob, op: hair-colour, op: eye-colour, op: gender, op: height, op: wife, op: occupation, op: friends, op: mother, op: father, op: sisters, op: brothers, op: email, op: education
               : word: george
            age: age: 29
            dob: date: 1984-05-23
    hair-colour: hair-colour: brown
     eye-colour: eye-colour: blue
         gender: gender: male
         height: height: cm: 176
           wife: person: Beth
     occupation: occupation: car salesman
        friends: person: Fred, person: Jane, person: Liz, person: Andrew
         mother: person: Sarah
         father: person: David
        sisters: person: Emily
       brothers: person: Frank, person: Tim, person: Sam
          email: email: george.douglas@gmail.com
      education: education: high-school
And that's it for now. I was going to put the general people rules here too, but now I will put them in the next post.

Update: now with the magic of tables:
sa: load blog-george.sw
sa: George |*> #=> apply(|_self>,|person: George>)
sa: table[op,George] supported-ops |person: George>
| op          | George                   |
|             | george                   |
| age         | 29                       |
| dob         | 1984-05-23               |
| hair-colour | brown                    |
| eye-colour  | blue                     |
| gender      | male                     |
| height      | 176                      |
| wife        | Beth                     |
| occupation  | car salesman             |
| friends     | Fred, Jane, Liz, Andrew  |
| mother      | Sarah                    |
| father      | David                    |
| sisters     | Emily                    |
| brothers    | Frank, Tim, Sam          |
| email       | george.douglas@gmail.com |
| education   | high-school              |

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