So, we are slowly trying to work towards what humans do. eg, the plurals, the easy definition of close relatives and so on. Today, random greetings. Makes use of merge-labels() and pick-elt. First, let's introduce pick-elt.
The definition of pick-elt is simply, given a superposition randomly return a ket in that superposition. Currently it is unweighted. ie, there is no bias in choice of ket. It is probably useful later to define a weighted pick-elt.
Anyway, a pick-elt example:
sa: pick-elt (|a> + |b> + |c> + |d> + |e> + |f> + |g> + |h>)
where dot "." in the console means repeat last computation.
sa: .
sa: .
sa: .
sa: .
So that should be clear enough. Each time it randomly picks kets.
I guess I should also note that it preserves coeffs:
sa: pick-elt (10|a> + 3.141592|pi> + |fred> + 7|cats>)
sa: .
sa: .
sa: .
sa: .
And I suppose you could say pick-elt has a little similarity with the idea of wave-function collapse in QM. Just a little. Indeed, for the QM case you would need a weighted-pick-elt.
eg, Schrodinger's cat in BKO might look like:
sa: is-alive |cat> #=> normalize pick-elt (0.5|yes> + 0.5|no>)
-- ask if the cat is alive?
sa: is-alive |cat>
sa: .
sa: .
where "normalize" sets the sum of the coeffs of the superposition it is applied to to 1.
sa: normalize (3|a> + 10|b> + |c>)
0.214|a> + 0.714|b> + 0.071|c>
And that's about it for pick-elt. Very useful all over the place.
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