Here is the python:
import sys from the_semantic_db_code import * from the_semantic_db_functions import * from the_semantic_db_processor import * C = context_list("adult wage pattern recognition") short_sample = "data/adult/" training_data = "data/adult/" test_data = "data/adult/adult.test" def learn_data(C,filename,training=True): k = 0 with open(filename,'r') as f: for line in f: try: age,workclass,fnlwgt,education,education_num,marital_status,occupation,relationship,race,sex,capital_gain,capital_loss,hours_per_week,native_country,wage_class = line.strip().split(', ') k += 1 r = ket("age",age) + ket(workclass) + ket("fnlwgt",fnlwgt) + ket(education) + ket("education-num",education_num) + ket(marital_status) + ket(occupation) r += ket(relationship) + ket(race) + ket(sex) + ket("capital-gain",capital_gain) + ket("capital-loss",capital_loss) + ket("hours-per-week",hours_per_week) + ket(native_country) # heh. uses "<=50K" and ">50K", while adult.test uses "<=50K." and ">50K." # tweak to fix that: wage_class = wage_class.rstrip('.') if wage_class == "<=50K": ket_wage_class = ket("below-50K") elif wage_class == ">50K": ket_wage_class = ket("above-50K") else: ket_wage_class = ket("") if training: # learn training data set: node = ket("node-" + str(k)) C.learn("pattern",node,r) C.learn("M",node,ket_wage_class) else: node = ket("example-" + str(k)) # learn test cases: C.learn("input-pattern",node,r) C.learn("answer",node,ket_wage_class) except: continue # test cases to check my code is correct. #learn_data(C,short_sample,True) #learn_data(C,short_sample,False) # the main event: learn_data(C,training_data,True) learn_data(C,test_data,False) # save the results: sw_file = "sw-examples/adult-wage-pattern-recognition.sw" save_sw(C,sw_file,False)And that is about it. Here is the resulting sw file (15 MB, 4 op types and 97,685 learn rules). Results in the next post.
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